Bio-Optic Holography Life Coaching

What are your eyes revealing about yourself? What are your strengths? What is your mission?

Bio-Optic Holography is a unique system of facilitation, personalized and guided by the close-up photographs of your own eyes. These sessions are based on the study of the iris, sclera and pupil, and focus on your own thought, word and feeling patterns. Bio-Optic Holography Life Coaching sessions can provide new awareness about yourself and the opportunity to upgrade your body’s mental, emotional and physical reality, through observation of pupil size and shape, the fiber structures and layers of color in the iris, and vessels on the sclera.

Bio-Optic Holography Life Coaching sessions are facilitated by using a combination Iridology with the application of Conscious Language and Outcome Facilitation techniques. These sessions are focused on creating awareness, insights and a plan of your own, if you are looking to understand more of your unique qualities and up level your own life experience.


Important Details

*These sessions are only available in Houston, TX; as detailed eye photographs are required to be taken beforehand.

Session Details

•$220 USD Investment. 1 hour online session (Includes PDF with session notes).


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Bio-Optic Holography
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Bio-Optic Holography